
This travelogue appeared anonymously 1985 in an Ohio zine called LIBERTARIAN HORIZONS: A JOURNAL FOR THE FREE TRAVELER and was reprinted in 1989, in Semiotext(e) SF, published by Autonomedia of New York. It's been on the internet at least for the last couple of years, if not longer. In all this time, no one has stepped forward to claim authorship. I assume, then, that it's public domain. Likewise, I'm making my HTML formatting of the text public domain as well. Enjoy. The island of Sonsorol described herein really exists, but it's unclear who actually owns it. It lies a few hundred miles to the southwest of Palau, a US Pacific Trust Territory in real space and directly along the Captain Mission/Libertatia/Hakim Bey axis in poetic space.

Table of Contents

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