Independent Voices


Reclaim the Streets!

Reclaim the Streets is a name used by a variety of groups trying to prevent global capital from bulldozing peoples' lives. RTS groups coordinate protests and document actions.

There is no RTS leadership as such, not even on the national level, so there's little danger of leaders forming personality cults or becoming the new politicians nor can the cops shut the whole thing by targeting a few people. I found these links with a quick and lazy Google search. They links are by no means complete and could disappear. RTS won't, however. Even the BBC figured that out.

The links below don't come close to covering all (2330 by Google's count) the RTS-related groups out there, which is the beauty of it.

A free radio

Free Radio Eastern Europe - Balkans

Not in the news much, but they didn't go away

The Balkans


Zapatista Links

Without whom...
