Guderian's Thumbnail Bio
I'm the one in the middle. The
three of us were making a joyous noise for "Bob" at the Ku Klux Klan rally 1 July 1990. We played
kazoos and sang stirring marching song such as "Der Fuehrer's Face" and "Springtime for Hitler." There
were groups like ACT-UP and various local committees for peace and justice protesting the march (more
power to 'em), but we were the only ones who really pissed the Klans off. Then, two of us drove to a a
party in Dallas. After that, everything was different. .
Here's a more recent picture of me (from Feb 2001; my hair's much longer now - mid-2004):
Curriculum Vitae
1 June 1963 (same birthday as Marilyn Monroe--1926--and pre-anniversary of the 1974 Nico, Kevin
Ayers, John Cale and Brian Eno jam)
Feces or Vertigo, I forget. Or is it Rabies?
Formal Education:
Rice University, B.S. Mechanical Engineering, May 1985
More Formal Education:
University of Houston-Clear Lake, M.S. Future Studies. I stopped a few
hours shy of the degree. It was 1991 and I was studying this internet/BBS thing. I sort of fell
into my work. I don't regret it. Anyway, I recommend the program.
Informal Education
Also, I did a lot of reading.
Where Living:
Amsterdam, in a house above a shop.
Currently Employed:
UUnet Europe Hey, headhunters! Thanks but no thanks! I'm
happy here. Good pay, good people, good location.
Take it from me. If you're a geek, never work
for an advertising company.
Used to work at Sound Exchange, helping to put their collectible vinyl online. I was
Webwallah!! (After the Divine Ms. Rebecca
Eisenberg, that is (after my good buddy Chris Kemmerer)). But then I moved to Washington DC!! and thence to Amsterdam (link pending)
Outside interests:
Linux and raising hell (though I've done fuck-all
on either front), fixing things.
Other Interests:
too many to nail down. Obsolete technology and spent futures
Friends and Relations
Texas Core
- The Banzai Institute. My pards in Houston and Austin. (Currently reconstituting itself. Like
Frank in Hellraiser)
- HotWeird in Dallas, TX. Disturbathon, Jodorowsky,
Forbidden Books & Video, and your ONLY hope against the Frankenstein Computer God CIA Gangster Puppets!
- FringeWare (RIP). The now-dispersed Austin contingent of cyberpunks from the days of Mondo2000,
when virtual reality was a phrase to conjure with. Cthulhu's balls, I miss 'em.
- Radio Free Montrose. (RIP) REAL public radio for Houston. What KPFT USED to be like (except
for midnight call-in shows). Security for the Third World. The Invisible College of DJs and Kathy
Kowgirl on Saturday nights. On 94.9 FM, Thursday through Sunday.
My favorite music store was:

My former supplier of strangest music On 16 July 2004 they decamped to Berlin. If I want weird music I have to go to V2 in Rotterdam.